Our Services


General Care

You do not have to be ill to visit Cobh Medical Centre. Preventative health refers to checks and tests that we offer our patients to ensure that they remain well. This can range from

·       Blood Pressure or Cholesterol check / ECG

·       3 yearly Cervical Smears for our female patients

·       Smoking cessation

·       Weight control / exercise advice

·       Cryotherapy for warts and other skin lesions

- Ear Syringing for impacted wax

·       Chronic Disease Management e.g. conditions such as diabetes, asthma, COPD etc

·       Minor operations/suturing and health & wellbeing in general.


Women’s Health

We offer advice on a range of symptoms specific to women’s health including:

·       Contraception incl: Implanon (‘the bar’) Insertion/removal, contraceptive pill checks etc

·       Cervical cancer screening (smear tests)*

- Pregnancy Care
- Menopause Care

·       Breast complaints

·       Menstrual Cycle and gynaecological problems

*We are registered with the National Cancer Screening Service for provision of cervical cancer screening (smear tests). These are available free of charge if you are currently due a smear (every 3 years for women age 25-45, every 5 years from age 45-60). More information about smears is available on their website http://www.cervicalcheck.ie


Child Health - looking after our little ones

All of the Doctors and Nurses at Cobh Medical Centre have a wealth of experience caring for children and advising parents in a primary care setting.

Childhood Vaccinations are available free of charge from Cobh Medical Centre. The national immunization website www.immunisation.ie contains useful information for pearents of all vaccinations included in the schedule.